Showing posts with label prolong battery life. Show all posts
Showing posts with label prolong battery life. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Is it OK to charge electric scooter everyday?

As an owner of an electric scooter, you want to keep your vehicle charged and ready to go when you need it.

However, some questions may arise about the effects of charging it daily.

Is it safe for the battery to charge every day or will it reduce the overall battery life? How long does it need to charge to reach full capacity? Understanding best practices for charging and maintaining your electric scooter battery will help ensure you get the most out of your investment.

Is It OK to Charge an Electric Scooter Every Day?

Is It OK to Charge an Electric Scooter Every Day?

Charging an electric scooter daily is generally fine and will not damage the battery, as long as you follow the manufacturer’s recommendations.

However, it is best to avoid draining and recharging the battery completely each day.

  • Only charge the scooter when the battery level falls below 30-40% to avoid cycling the cells too often.

    Frequent full discharges and recharges can degrade the battery over time.

  • For the health of the battery, it is best to charge the scooter to only 80-90% rather than 100% each day.

    Only do a full charge once a month or if you plan to ride long distances.

  • Do not leave the scooter plugged in and charging 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

    While charging, batteries heat up which causes damage.

    Unplug once fully charged.

  • Only use the included charger and charge the scooter in a well-ventilated area away from flammable objects.

    Chargers and batteries can overheat if misused.

  • For the best battery life, avoid draining the battery completely or leaving it discharged for long periods.

    Recharge as soon as reasonably possible.

  • If storing the scooter for extended periods, charge the battery to 50-70% to avoid draining or overcharging before storing.

By following these best practices for lithium-ion battery care and maintenance, charging your electric scooter daily should not pose any issues and will help keep the battery—and your ride—in good working condition for years to come.

However, if you notice the battery life decreasing rapidly or other problems, it is best to contact the manufacturer for battery replacement or repair.

How Often Should You Charge Your Electric Scooter?

To keep your electric scooter in good working order and ensure maximum range per charge, it’s important to charge it properly and regularly.

However, charging it every day may reduce the overall battery life over time.

Guidelines for Charging Frequency

As a general rule, you should aim to charge your electric scooter 2-3 times per week, or after every 10-15 miles of riding.

Fully depleting and recharging the battery at every use can stress the cells and cause them to degrade faster.

Instead, perform shallow discharges by charging when the battery reaches 30-50% capacity.

Some additional tips for extending your battery life:

  • Avoid extremely high or low temperatures when charging, as this reduces efficiency and longevity.

    Charge in a garage or room around 70 F if possible.

  • Don’t leave your scooter plugged in and charging 24 hours a day.

    Only charge until the battery reaches 100%, then unplug.

    Leaving it plugged in constantly can overcharge the battery, reducing its capacity over time.

  • If storing your scooter for an extended time, discharge and recharge the battery to around 50% first.

    Check on it periodically and recharge to 50% as needed.

    This helps prevent draining or overcharging while idle.

  • Consider using a timer to automatically stop charging once full to avoid overcharging if you charge overnight.

    But the best approach is to charge during the day when you can monitor it.

By following these best practices for charging your electric scooter and properly maintaining the battery, you’ll keep it running at peak performance for years to come.

Charge on!

Tips for Extending Electric Scooter Battery Life

To maximize your electric scooter’s battery life, follow these tips:

Charge the Battery Properly

It is fine to charge your electric scooter’s battery daily after use, but avoid draining the battery completely or overcharging it.

Charge the battery when it reaches around 20-30% capacity.

Fully draining or overcharging lithium-ion batteries can reduce their lifespan.

Charge the battery in a cool area away from direct sunlight.

Higher temperatures can damage the battery during charging.

Avoid Extreme Heat or Cold

Extreme heat or cold reduces lithium-ion battery performance and lifespan.

Avoid leaving your scooter in very hot or cold environments for long periods.

High temperatures increase the rate of battery drain and accelerate aging.

Freezing temperatures reduce battery capacity and can damage battery cells.

Store your scooter in a garage or shed when not in use.

Limit Battery Draining Factors

Factors that drain your battery faster will reduce its lifespan.

Limit speed, acceleration, and braking which require more power.

Avoid hilly terrain or carrying heavy loads which increase power demands.

Turn off accessories like lights, Bluetooth speakers, and USB chargers when not needed.

All of these drain the battery and reduce range.

Charge to Around 80% for Storage

If storing your scooter for longer periods, charge the battery to around 80% before storing.

A partially charged battery experiences less aging than one fully charged or drained.

Check the battery level every 3-4 weeks to prevent over-discharging.

Recharge to around 80% if it drops below 50% capacity.

Perform this check even for short term storage of a couple weeks.

Following these tips will help keep your electric scooter’s battery in optimal condition and extend its usable life.

Limiting extreme heat or cold, avoiding full discharges or overcharges, reducing power demands, and proper storage charging are all ways any scooter owner can maximize battery longevity.

By taking good care of your battery, you’ll keep riding for years to come!

Signs Your Scooter Battery Needs Replacing

Signs Your Scooter Battery Needs Replacing

If your electric scooter’s battery is not holding a charge as well as when new or seems to be draining faster, it may be time for a replacement.

There are a few indicators that your scooter’s battery power cells have degraded and should be swapped out.

  • Range decrease.

    If your scooter’s maximum travel distance per charge has dropped by 30-50% or more from the stated specifications, the battery is likely losing capacity.

    For the best performance and to avoid being stranded with a dead battery, replace the pack.

  • Longer charging required.

    If charging your scooter to full now takes significantly longer, e.g.

    8-12 hours vs 3-5 hours originally, the battery is not accepting and retaining a charge efficiently.

    Pushing an aging battery to charge for extended periods could overheat the components.

  • Swelling or overheating.

    If the battery case is swollen, warped or very hot to the touch during or after charging, there are compromised power cells within that need to be changed.

    An overheating battery is a fire risk and should not be charged.

  • Error codes.

    If your scooter is displaying a warning error code, e.g.

    E01 or E02, related to a battery issue, it should be checked by the manufacturer or a certified technician.

    They can properly test the battery and other scooter systems to determine if replacement parts are needed.

  • Age.

    Most standard lithium-ion batteries will last 2 to 5 years, depending on usage and charging/storage.

    If your scooter’s battery is more than 3 years old, it is likely past its prime and a new one will offer improved performance.

Replacing an electric scooter’s battery will require the correct type and size recommended by the manufacturer.

Be sure to buy from a reputable retailer to ensure you get a high-quality, compatible battery for your specific scooter model.

Installing a new battery yourself or having a technician do so will get your scooter back to running like new.

Frequently Asked Questions About Daily Scooter Charging

Is it OK to charge an electric scooter every day?

Charging an electric scooter daily is generally fine and will not damage the battery, as long as you follow the recommended charging guidelines.

However, it is not necessary to charge it every day for most users.

How often should I charge my electric scooter?

For the average rider using an electric scooter a few times a week for short distances, charging 2-3 times per week is typically sufficient.

As a general rule of thumb, charge the scooter when the battery level drops below 30%.

Avoid draining the battery completely.

Will charging my scooter daily reduce the battery life?

Charging daily can slightly reduce the total battery life over time.

Lithium-ion batteries experience some loss of capacity with each charge cycle.

However, the impact is fairly minimal if you follow the proper charging procedure.

The battery management system in most electric scooters is designed to stop charging once the battery reaches maximum capacity, so overcharging is not a concern if using the included charger.

What is the ideal charge level for storage?

For long term storage, discharge the battery to 30-50% charge.

Do not leave the scooter fully charged or fully depleted for extended periods.

Check the charge level and recharge as needed every few months to maintain a partial charge.

This helps prevent damage from over-discharging or overheating.

Can I fast charge my scooter every day?

Fast charging, when supported, is best used occasionally and not as a daily charging method.

While fast charging will not immediately damage the battery, frequent use can accelerate capacity loss over time.

For daily charging, use the standard charger that came with your scooter.

Only use fast charging when needed to quickly top up the battery before a ride.

In summary, charging an electric scooter daily is fine if done properly and not always required for typical use.

Following the recommended guidelines will help maximize your scooter’s battery health and lifespan.


As you have read, charging your electric scooter daily in moderation should be fine and help ensure you have power when you need it.

However, it’s best not to leave it plugged in and charging 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Give the battery a break from charging at least once a week or for a full day to maintain its health and capacity over the long run.

Also be sure to charge in a safe location away from flammable objects and never overload the charging circuit.

By following the manufacturer’s recommendations, properly maintaining your scooter’s battery, and using common sense charging practices, you’ll keep your electric scooter in good working order for years to come.

Ride on!